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Validate each of the incoming Algorithm’s spec file


Name: bilayers_schema


AbstractUserInterfaceAbstract class for user interface
        TypeDisplayOnlyDisplay only parameters of a specific Algorithm
        TypeParameterParameters of a specific Algorithm
AbstractWorkflowDetailsAbstract class for details needed to fit config in the workflow
        TypeInputInputs to the algorithm from the last step of the workflow
        TypeOutputOutputs of the algorithm to the next step in the workflow
AnyAny type
DockerImageDescription of docker_image for the specific algorithm
ExecFunctionFunction to execute the Algorithm
HiddenArgsHidden arguments for the Algorithm
RadioOptionsOptions of the Radio button in parameters, display_only
SpecContainerSpecContianer class which holds all the high_level keywords from config.yaml file of specific algorithm
TypeAlgorithmFromCitationAlgorithm’s citations
TypeCitationsCitations of the Algorithm


algorithmAlgorithm’s citations
algorithm_folder_nameMain folder name of the algorithm to put the generated files in the folder
append_valueAppend value of the hidden argument
citationsCitations of the Algorithm
cli_commandCLI command to execute the Algorithm
cli_orderOrder of the CLI arguments
cli_tagCLI tag of the object
defaultDefault value of the parameter
depthwhether z-dimension i
descriptionDescription of the Algorithm
display_onlyDisplay only parameters of a specific Algorithm
docker_imageDescription of docker_image for the specific algorithm
doiDOI of the Algorithm
exec_functionFunction to execute the Algorithm
file_countType of Number of files
folder_nameFolder name of the object
formatFormat of the inputs and outputs
hidden_argsHidden arguments for the Algorithm
inputsInputs to the algorithm from the last step of the workflow
interactiveWhether the object is interactive on UI
labelLabel of the object, but also Radio button’s label
licenseLicense of the Algorithm
modeMode of the object
moduleModule to execute the Algorithm
multiselectMultiselect value of the dropdown
nameName of the docker_image, algorithm, parameter, display_only
optionalOptional value of the object
optionsOptions of the Radio button in parameters, display_only
orgOrganization of the docker image
output_dir_setOutput directory set
outputsOutputs of the algorithm to the next step in the workflow
parametersParameters of a specific Algorithm
pathPath of the inputs and outputs
platformPlatform on which the docker image was built
pyramidalwhether pyramidal images are accepted via tool
scriptScript to execute the Algorithm
section_idSection ID of the object
subtypeSubtype of the inputs and outputs
tagTag of the docker image
tiledwhether tiled images are accepted via tool
timepointswhether t-dimension i
typeType of the inputs, parameters and outputs
valueValue of the hidden argument or RadioButton Option’s Value


FileTypeEnumType of Number of files
ModeEnumMode of the parameters, display_only
SubTypeEnumSubtype of the inputs and outputs, iff type is image
TypeEnumType of the parameters, display_only


BooleanA binary (true or false) value
Curiea compact URI
Datea date (year, month and day) in an idealized calendar
DateOrDatetimeEither a date or a datetime
DatetimeThe combination of a date and time
DecimalA real number with arbitrary precision that conforms to the xsd:decimal speci...
DoubleA real number that conforms to the xsd:double specification
FloatA real number that conforms to the xsd:float specification
IntegerAn integer
JsonpathA string encoding a JSON Path
JsonpointerA string encoding a JSON Pointer
NcnamePrefix part of CURIE
NodeidentifierA URI, CURIE or BNODE that represents a node in a model
ObjectidentifierA URI or CURIE that represents an object in the model
SparqlpathA string encoding a SPARQL Property Path
StringA character string
TimeA time object represents a (local) time of day, independent of any particular...
Uria complete URI
Uriorcuriea URI or a CURIE

