Validate each of the incoming Algorithm’s spec file
URI: https://
Name: bilayers_schema
Class | Description |
AbstractUserInterface | Abstract class for user interface |
TypeDisplayOnly | Display only parameters of a specific Algorithm |
TypeParameter | Parameters of a specific Algorithm |
AbstractWorkflowDetails | Abstract class for details needed to fit config in the workflow |
TypeInput | Inputs to the algorithm from the last step of the workflow |
TypeOutput | Outputs of the algorithm to the next step in the workflow |
Any | Any type |
DockerImage | Description of docker_image for the specific algorithm |
ExecFunction | Function to execute the Algorithm |
HiddenArgs | Hidden arguments for the Algorithm |
RadioOptions | Options of the Radio button in parameters, display_only |
SpecContainer | SpecContianer class which holds all the high_level keywords from config.yaml file of specific algorithm |
TypeAlgorithmFromCitation | Algorithm’s citations |
TypeCitations | Citations of the Algorithm |
Slot | Description |
algorithm | Algorithm’s citations |
algorithm | Main folder name of the algorithm to put the generated files in the folder |
append_value | Append value of the hidden argument |
citations | Citations of the Algorithm |
cli_command | CLI command to execute the Algorithm |
cli_order | Order of the CLI arguments |
cli_tag | CLI tag of the object |
default | Default value of the parameter |
depth | whether z-dimension i |
description | Description of the Algorithm |
display_only | Display only parameters of a specific Algorithm |
docker_image | Description of docker_image for the specific algorithm |
doi | DOI of the Algorithm |
exec_function | Function to execute the Algorithm |
file_count | Type of Number of files |
folder_name | Folder name of the object |
format | Format of the inputs and outputs |
hidden_args | Hidden arguments for the Algorithm |
inputs | Inputs to the algorithm from the last step of the workflow |
interactive | Whether the object is interactive on UI |
label | Label of the object, but also Radio button’s label |
license | License of the Algorithm |
mode | Mode of the object |
module | Module to execute the Algorithm |
multiselect | Multiselect value of the dropdown |
name | Name of the docker_image, algorithm, parameter, display_only |
optional | Optional value of the object |
options | Options of the Radio button in parameters, display_only |
org | Organization of the docker image |
output_dir_set | Output directory set |
outputs | Outputs of the algorithm to the next step in the workflow |
parameters | Parameters of a specific Algorithm |
path | Path of the inputs and outputs |
platform | Platform on which the docker image was built |
pyramidal | whether pyramidal images are accepted via tool |
script | Script to execute the Algorithm |
section_id | Section ID of the object |
subtype | Subtype of the inputs and outputs |
tag | Tag of the docker image |
tiled | whether tiled images are accepted via tool |
timepoints | whether t-dimension i |
type | Type of the inputs, parameters and outputs |
value | Value of the hidden argument or RadioButton Option’s Value |
Enumeration | Description |
FileTypeEnum | Type of Number of files |
ModeEnum | Mode of the parameters, display_only |
SubTypeEnum | Subtype of the inputs and outputs, iff type is image |
TypeEnum | Type of the parameters, display_only |
Type | Description |
Boolean | A binary (true or false) value |
Curie | a compact URI |
Date | a date (year, month and day) in an idealized calendar |
DateOrDatetime | Either a date or a datetime |
Datetime | The combination of a date and time |
Decimal | A real number with arbitrary precision that conforms to the xsd:decimal speci... |
Double | A real number that conforms to the xsd:double specification |
Float | A real number that conforms to the xsd:float specification |
Integer | An integer |
Jsonpath | A string encoding a JSON Path |
Jsonpointer | A string encoding a JSON Pointer |
Ncname | Prefix part of CURIE |
Nodeidentifier | A URI, CURIE or BNODE that represents a node in a model |
Objectidentifier | A URI or CURIE that represents an object in the model |
Sparqlpath | A string encoding a SPARQL Property Path |
String | A character string |
Time | A time object represents a (local) time of day, independent of any particular... |
Uri | a complete URI |
Uriorcurie | a URI or a CURIE |
Subset | Description |